The importance of a data driven culture is paramount to succeeding among smart competition.
Inspections, Items, Equipment, Documents, Handovers, Workpacks, Punches….
You name it, we store and track it, fully audited inspections, punches, handover certification, ATEX and alot more! Did someone say AI?
Accord uses the latest technology and that mean’s we’ve integrated AI, Ask AI about your data: “how many inspections done today”
We aim to put the manpower where the work is – in the field – and not behind the desks
Our application will allow field engineers and workers to be able to still process and store information whether they’re connected to the internet or not. It will also allow for real-time status reports to be generated and displayed and means that you won’t be tracking the full jobs to check completion of a project, but you will be able to track the individual tasks.
Our Service is unique in the way that it uses the latest technology to replace paper based systems for your business. Our application will ensure that your field engineers and workers are productive at all times. You will be able to have work and inspections updated in real-time. The application inherently improves the accuracy of information. Our application provides comprehensive management for reporting.
The main objectives that we aim to for our solution to provide are:
The need to replace old-fashioned paper-based data collection in the field is obvious, but current solutions do not always meet client expectations. Our goal is to exceed expectations by providing groundbreaking products. We exponentially enhance the value of data accumulated by any organisation.
We will track the actual tasks and activities in real time, instead of tracking hard copy certificates, a practice carried forward since our grandfathers were just boys.
The industry is experiencing an explosion of exciting new technologies, which only a few short years ago, would have been classified as science fiction. It’s an exciting time and we have something fantastic, we can quite literally put the power in your hands.
We are ready when you are – system can be project ready as fast as you can
Our system is infinitely scalable and unlike other systems we can be project ready in days not months.
FNVi can integrate with your ERP systems, including Sap, Maximo and Dynamics. We can populate your work/inspection list via an automatic import of work orders from your ERP and Engineering lists. We are one of the selected companies to be active and work with CHIFOS and be fully compliant.
Training is easily performed remotely online with 24/7 technical support available throughout the full cycle of your project.
FNVi provides you, the customer, with the opportunity to reduce the majority of your back office support functions.
The system anticipates project success or failure in advance and delivers real time information, work and inspection updates, to the right place at the right time, resulting in increased productivity at the work face.